Are you interested in hosting your own "unified" basketball or sports camp but unsure how and where to begin?
HoopCamp's unified program uses sports to educate and inspire people to become agents of change — fostering respect, dignity and advocacy for individuals with intellectual disabilities.
UPDATE 4.7.23: Steven Garrity posted to social media: Hoop.Camp is on the campus of Idaho State University so grateful for their generosity and kindness in hosting us and our amazing athletes with Special and additional needs for so many years. Thank you thank you come join us we will be at Reed gymnasium on the campus from 10 o’clock until 1 o’clock
Scott Goold recalls: Was late 1993 or early 1994, received frantic phone call from Steve. "Have a group of special needs athletes. Need help. You know how to run camps. Will you teach me?"
Didn't sleep much those first years. While Steve and others were in bed, I was up all night at Pacific Office Automation writing schedules, drills, coaching instructions and lessons. Designed the unified format ... we were first in nation. Grabbed a few winks on the floor or couch, and HoopCamp was born! About 30 years old now!
Some considerations:
Are you currently running a camp yet need help with the organization or development of a unified program?
Do you have problems recruiting and training staff for the unified format?
Are you providing the best instruction for participants in a unified setting?
Do you recognize there are safety concerns?
HoopCamp is here to assist you.
HoopCamp consulting directors will help you develop a camp management system that ensures your camp:
- maximizes your marketing resources;
- provides top-notch and quality instruction;
- adequately addresses all security and safety concerns; and,
- most importantly, provides a memorable experience for participants and returns aloha to your community.
HoopCamp is the nation's only comprehensive camp management training program designed for unified sports enthusiasts and entrepreneurs who want a career (or summer job) developing our nation's next generation of special needs athletes and participants.
Our unique — and proven — program is perfect for programs specializing on athletes with special needs, as well as traditional athletes.
Participants, coaches, parents and community leaders agree that the development program provided by HoopCamp is one of the most effective in America.
Our experience and format allows us to boast:
There are only winners at HoopCamp!